Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cooking It Old School

This weekend we were supposed to see family from out-of-state. That didn't work out, so we thought about going out-of-town to see some family. That didn't work out either, so we decided to live life old school. And by old school, I mean things I might do when I go see my grandma for a weekend.

1. Garage selling! We took the little Nipplet on her first garage selling adventure, and she made out like a king. I found about 30 outfits for her for $20 (plus one for her mommy!). They were all "big girl" clothes, which is what she needed. Also I learned that babies are the best conversation starter. It was a million degrees outside, so the couple let Nathan sit inside their house with Abigail while I sorted through their box of a million outfits. The best find? This swimsuit: 

2. Making homemade beef stock! Per the internet's advice, I bought some bones, beef stew junks, and some veggies. I roasted all of that for about 45 minutes, then let it simmer in the biggest pot I thought I had for 4 hours. Nathan told me when the whole process was finished that we actually had a much bigger pot, but for now we have really strong beef stock.

3. Homemade Kombucha! Okay, I'll admit, my grandma never made kombucha. It seems like an old school thing to do though. I made the scoby about a week and a half ago, and today I'm starting to ferment the actual tea. For information about what kombucha is, read this. Suffice it to say here that it is yummy and keeps me from drinking more unhealthy beverages. 

All of these things took time. Quite a bit of time, plus juggling a four-month old and trying to meld her schedule and the timing of the preparations. I'm not sure how the grandmothers of the world did it all. And I was looking for a moral of the story out of all this, but frankly I took a nap instead.

It was a rough weekend. Not one of my personal bests. At the end of it though, I still had a sweet husband and beautiful baby girl to love on. And in the end, aren't those some of the most important things in life?

1 comment:

  1. Liking your new blog, favorite daughter!

    ~From your favorite Mama
